“Image By PlayTheTunes

One thing that we think suits all couples wonderfully, is the addition of live music to their wedding day celebrations. No matter what your signature style as a couple may be or what the rest of the day may involve, live music is a sure fire way to keep all of your guests entertained throughout the evening, and make the whole occasion absolutely unforgettable. 


We wanted to share our experience in the industry with you, by using this blog post to share our top five reasons for why we think that live music is the perfect addition to a wedding. Although we could have kept going on for a lot longer, we think that these points really sum up all the fantastic bonuses that come with introducing live music to your evening’s celebrations. 


  • Personal, unique touch – like we mentioned earlier, wedding entertainment is all about making the occasion unique to you, in a way that perfectly captures your essence as a couple. With live music, the nature of it is that every performance (and every moment within it) is absolutely one of a kind, and that makes it a really special type of entertainment to include at a wedding
  • Romantic – whether it be lively, soft background music, or everything in between, you’re absolutely guaranteed to add a touch of romance to the occasion. The sentiment within the performance and the passion of the performer combine with the emotions of the day to create a wonderful romantic feel for the evening. 
  • They provide a fun way to get everyone involved in a dance, and make sure that no one feels left out from the party. 
  • Talking point – it might seem like a small thing, but if any of your guests have come to the wedding on their own, they might be feeling a little bit shy at points. But a live band is a great talking point to seamlessly start up a conversation between them and another guest.
  • Set the ambience, whether it’s a subtle background music to infuse romance into the occasion or lively fun tunes to take the celebrations to the next level, live music makes for the perfect way to set the mood for the evening.  


When it comes to setting about planning the perfect fun-filled wedding day to delight your guests, there’s so many different elements to consider. The entertainment for a wedding day can take countless different forms, but it should, first and foremost, really represent who you are as a couple. We know that, whether you’re a bright, bold, bubbly and dynamic duo, or if you class yourselves as a more quiet yet classy pair that like to have fun in a glamorous way, there’s plenty of types and styles of wedding entertainment to suit you perfectly. L R Entertainment, we are a Michigan-based entertainment specialist, and we work closely with all of our clients to ensure that their wedding entertainment is unique, bespoke and makes for a truly unforgettable evening. Get in touch with us to find out more about our services.